Journey Beyond Productions
As was described in Chapter 15 Onto the Promised Path of Carol’s Lives. I had a dream of being a film producer. Following that dream, in 2008, I registered this business name, Journey Beyond Productions, for the purpose of making documentary films. That dream was never intrinsic, and the filmmaking was never materialized.
Little did I know that the company Journey Beyond Productions could be used very handily for publishing of my books. You can say that it is located in my living room. It has the contributions of me Kemila, my partner Tim, my book editor Melanie, Linda and Sandra, my book cover designer Silmara and Linda. And potentially others who will come into play and co-create.
So far Journey Beyond Productions has published one more book besides Carol’s Lives.
Past Life Regression: A Manual for Hypnotherapists to Conduct Effective Past Life Regression Sessions
The first edition was published in May 2015, and the second edition in December 2020.
A Complete Guidebook on Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy. Past Life Regression can be recreational for some people, a way to satisfy their curiosity. For others, this modality has tremendous therapeutic value. Mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical healing can take place in a past life regression session. This book introduces many techniques, and covers them in detail, for how to conduct an effective Past Life Regression session. Kemila shares a lot of her casework as examples. This book is suitable for hypnosis professionals and interested members of the general public. It is full of scripts and reveals detailed step-by-step methods.
One day a friend told me this book was being talked about in Past Life Regression practitioners’ Facebook group. I took two snapshots.
Follow this link to purchase the paper copy or many formats of E-book.
Many Blessings Will Come: Tales of Recovering Inner Commitments, Gifts, and Wisdom Through Hypnotherapy
This book is Kemila’s latest book published in August 2022.
Is the soul multidimensional?
What memories lay dormant deep in the recesses of our minds?
Can hypnosis serve to heal wounds from the past and awaken your true self?
Many Blessings Will Come answers those questions and many more in its 20-plus stories of enchanting journeys of self-discovery and inner knowing across space and time. Over her 10-year practice, Canadian hypnotherapist, Kemila Zsange has curated a beautifully inspiring anthology of the cathartic past- and inter-life regression experiences of her clients’. Each story and regression capture the sometimes-rocky, recovery of inner commitments; the blessing of uncovering inner gifts and wisdom, and the spiritual awakening in remembering who we really are.
Purchase the book today, in PDF format, or on other platforms.